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Italian Notary

Welcome To Italian Notary 

Every Client Matters

Fluent in Italian and English

Experienced experts are ready to help



Thousands of Italian Notary documents processed



Documents signed in your hometown, anywhere around the world



To be successfully used in Italy

We offer TIME and MONEY SAVING solutions.

Most Served Countries:

U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Ireland, Australia and South Africa

No involvement of Italian Consulate or Embassy if you are in the E.U.,

The U.S.A., Australia or South Africa

Young Lawyer



Create and legalize Italian documents from abroad;
Skip the Italian Embassy and Consulate;
Process Italian bureaucratic matters remotely.


See list of most common services below.


Italian Notary will help you find best solution to your Italian bureaucratic needs. Cost-effective, high quality legal service and advice for individuals and businesses. We work with hundreds of notaries and legal experts worldwide offering the highest standard of client experience. You can be assured of excellent personalized service

Most Common Italian Notary Services

  1. Italian Power of attorneyprocura

  2. Affidavits- autodichiarazione and dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto notorio

  3. Will - testamento:

  • Italian will preparation

  • Italian will search

  • Review of foreign will to be used in Italy

4. Inheritance renunciation (disclaim) - rinuncia          all’eredità

5. Post-Nuptial agreementregime patrimoniale

    dei beni

6. Separation of matrimonial property agreement accordo      di separazione dei beni

7. Certified translations (Italian-English and                English-Italian) - traduzioni giurate

8. Certified copies - Copie conformi

9. Signature authentication, acknowledgement          and jurat (in Italian or English) – autentica di firma

10. Search a property in Italy – Ricerca di un        atto notarile italiano (compravendita,                      donazione, divisione)

11. Italian succession - dichiarazione di                        successione

12. Italian property transfer by divorce –                      trasferimento immobiliare a seguito di                    accordi di separazione o divorzio

13. Italian donation (gift) deedatto di                        donazione

14. Italian property purchase and sale:                          compravendita immobiliare

15. Italian property partition: scioglimento della comunione

16. Foreign company registration in Italy -                    Registrazione di società estera

17. Incorporate an Italian companycostituzione        di società

We will review your case, will suggest options, and will assist you pursue the preferred one.

We will review your case, will suggest options, and will assist you pursue the preferred one.

Experienced English Speaking Notary Public qualified in Italian law.

Extensive successful experience of notary documents prepared overseas to be used in Italy and notary documents prepared in Italy

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